Our business philosophy


...more than just injection moulding!

Our corporate mission statement

Browse our new online brochure for insights into our company!

BERGI-PLAST GmbH Plastics Technology and Mould Making (unserebroschuere.de)

For us, our mission statement is the link between our vision and our company history, as well as our established values.

Our customer focus enables us to achieve long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn strengthens our market position. This means always keeping up to date with our customers‘ and relevant interested parties’ current and future needs and expectations.

We, the management team at Bergi-Plast, lead by example in terms of friendly and respectful behaviour, a results- and target-oriented approach and a cooperative way of working. By exemplifying these values, we ensure that we achieve our corporate goals while also promoting communication within the company. All of us in management see ourselves as service providers for all employees and work with you to find solutions instead of looking for someone to blame.

When our employees are committed, we achieve a better understanding of our corporate goals, including the motivation to achieve them, increased trust, better cooperation and a high level of employee loyalty. We involve the employees concerned in open discussions to find solutions and acknowledge their contribution to the improvements.

We pursue a process-oriented approach to optimise our performance and consistently deliver high-quality products. In line with this approach, we prioritise error prevention over error correction. We are able to continuously improve by efficiently using resources and focusing on key processes. Our processes are managed and controlled by the process owners.

Our commitment to continuous improvement enables us to increase process efficiency and focus on root cause analysis, including the definition of measures. We are constantly setting ourselves new improvement targets at all levels and in all processes. To do this, we must recognise opportunities for improvement and acknowledge successful improvements. The results of improvement projects are tracked and evaluated from start to finish.

We apply fact-based decision-making to evaluate our process performance and improve operational effectiveness and efficiency. We make decisions and take actions based on evidence. For example, our key figures are used to evaluate the performance of processes and thus of the company itself. To do this, the evidence (data and information) must be sufficiently precise and reliable. 

Managing our relationships with our relevant interested parties improves our ability to create value and enables us to improve our performance by responding to new opportunities and potential constraints. That is why we identify our relevant interested parties and their relationship with Bergi-Plast.

As an energy-intensive company, improving our energy-related performance (increasing energy efficiency) is the logical step for us to reduce our expenses. With the help of our energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 50001, we regularly evaluate our energy use and identify opportunities for improvement. We pay attention to the energy efficiency of products and services when procuring them. We also promote activities to improve energy-related performance during the design phase.

We operate an environmental management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 to fulfil our responsibility as a plastics processing company to reduce the environmental impact we cause and increase sustainability. Given the environmental impact of plastics, we are looking at the use of recycled and bio-based plastics. To this end, we have also joined the IK's Zero-Pellet-Loss Initiative.

We prioritise occupational safety to protect our employees and comply with legal requirements. As part of this, we regularly conduct training and corresponding inspections in the various departments. We substitute our hazardous substances with less hazardous ones. To achieve sufficient impact, a transfer of duties has been agreed with the managers, thus transferring responsibility for occupational safety to them as well.

Achieving an adequate level of profitability ensures the preservation and growth of the company and the associated employment of all employees. Our strategic and operational goals, along with the necessary measures, are aligned with our business goals so that we can meet the targets we have set ourselves. All the aspects mentioned above help us to achieve profitability at Bergi-Plast.All of the aforementioned aspects help us to achieve Bergi-Plast's profitability.

The following commitments are binding for all of us:

  • We safely comply with legal and other applicable requirements (binding commitments)
  • We regularly review our mission statement and adapt to current developments (interested parties; context of the organisation) 
  • We comply with the values and guidelines set out here
  • We continuously improve our management system
  • We continuously improve our energy-related performance
  • We ensure the availability of information and resources to achieve our goals and implement our management system
  • We are committed to protecting the environment.
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